I am currently using the checkbox template column to bind a boolean column which seems to be working fine except for one major problem.
When I click the checkbox (changed state) I will have to click multiple times around and/or above the checkbox row location to trigger the edited flag.
I need the flag triggered in order to call my batch edit save button function. (Batch save wont trigger without having edit flag up)
Everything seems to be binding properly without issue but except for getting the flag to trigger. Again, only multiple clicks around the checkbox will finally trigger the flag (exact position isn't clear).
ASP Code:
<telerik:GridTemplateColumn ColumnEditorID="CompletedBox" Reorderable="true" AllowSorting="true" HeaderText="Complete" >
<HeaderStyle Width="60px" />
<ItemStyle CssClass="float-right" />
<asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox3" runat="server" Checked='<%# Bind("CompletedAsBool") %>' />
<EditItemTemplate >
<asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox2" runat="server" Checked='<%# Bind("CompletedAsBool") %>' />