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RadGrid and Super/SubClass

2 Answers 107 Views
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Ceramist asked on 23 Feb 2009, 09:40 PM
My application of a database requires developing super/subclass tables and relationships using SQL Server.  For the superclass table, it is very easy to use RadGrid to develop both the structure and potential hierarchy relationships between each row in the table.  However, I find it necessary to be able to display for each row in a superclass table unqiue data which belongs to the corresponding subclass.  This requirement extends not only to the display of the data but also inserts and updates of the record.  While RadGrid supports most of my requirements, how would one build such a RadGrid display using these requirements?  I know I can use Templates to display data not shown in the RadGrid, such as from the CardView example, but what if there are 10 different subclass tables and each has unique structures and display?

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answered on 26 Feb 2009, 01:59 PM
Hello Walter,

One possible option in this case would be to use a hierarchy. Or, you can use a nested view, as shown in this example. I hope this helps.

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the Telerik team

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answered on 12 Mar 2009, 11:39 PM
OK, the Grid/Hierarchy with Templates convinced me that this is the correct answer.

This structure permits associating all the possible subclass entities even to the point of specifying specific subclass entities can only belong to certain superclass entities.  All I need to do is define a visual structure per subclass within the NestedViewTemplate along with an associated data provider.

The selling point for me was understanding that the NestedViewTemplate could handle multiple associated detailed tables.

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