Afternoon all.
I have read a recent post regarding the complexities of updating GanttTask dependancies when another GanttTask has changed (or been added, ect)...
I believe I have gotten around this by reversing the DependancyType and assigning the new Dependancy to the parent, rather that the child GanttTask.
My question, however, is: How can I change the GanttView.xaml file's "EndArrow" Path so that it is on the opposite end of the PathData?
I have reversed the arrowhead here;
<Grid x:Name="EndArrowHost" Height="7" Margin="0 -3" Width="5" RenderTransformOrigin="1, .5">
<Path x:Name="EndArrow" Data="M4.50,0.50 L0.50,3.51 L4.50,6.50 z" Fill="{TemplateBinding Foreground}" Stretch="None"/>
<!--Data="M0.50,0.50 L4.50,3.51 L0.50,6.50 z"-->
<Path x:Name="HighlightEndArrow"
Data="M0.50,0.50 L4.50,3.51 L0.50,6.50 z"
Fill="{StaticResource RelationContainerBorderBrush_Highlighted}"