I seemed to be experiencing a problem that I cannot find an answer for.
Here is my scenario:
I am using this release: 2008.31125.
I have the following Rad Components on my page (in this order):
RadScriptManager - (Using default settings, has one external script file with not much script)
RadSkinManager - (Using the Office2007 Skin)
RadStyleSheetManager - (Using default settings)
RadFormDecorator - (All controls are decorated except H4H5H6 controls)
RadAjaxPanel - (Contains a formview)
Problem Prelude:
Inside the RadAjaxPanel, I have a formview which has multiline textboxes. I converted these textboxes from RadTextBoxes to regular Texboxes because RadTextBoxes are slow when typing LOTS of text (there was a 1-2 delay before typing appeared).
The Problem:
Even after removing the RadSkinManager, RadStyleSheetManager, and RadFormDecorator, the multiline textboxes appear, but they do not have a scrollbar even though there should be one and there is one when I remove the RadFormDecorator.
Additional Example:
I thought that I would add that the about you box on this page has the same problem:
Final Note: I'm starting to wonder why the RadFormDecorator would allow you to scroll in a multiline textbox using the up and down arrows or by highlighting and dragging the text in the direction you want to go, but not allowing you to use your mouse to scroll and not presenting a scrollbar just seems like a hassle. Is there a way around this?
Here is my scenario:
I am using this release: 2008.31125.
I have the following Rad Components on my page (in this order):
RadScriptManager - (Using default settings, has one external script file with not much script)
RadSkinManager - (Using the Office2007 Skin)
RadStyleSheetManager - (Using default settings)
RadFormDecorator - (All controls are decorated except H4H5H6 controls)
RadAjaxPanel - (Contains a formview)
Problem Prelude:
Inside the RadAjaxPanel, I have a formview which has multiline textboxes. I converted these textboxes from RadTextBoxes to regular Texboxes because RadTextBoxes are slow when typing LOTS of text (there was a 1-2 delay before typing appeared).
The Problem:
Even after removing the RadSkinManager, RadStyleSheetManager, and RadFormDecorator, the multiline textboxes appear, but they do not have a scrollbar even though there should be one and there is one when I remove the RadFormDecorator.
Additional Example:
I thought that I would add that the about you box on this page has the same problem:
Final Note: I'm starting to wonder why the RadFormDecorator would allow you to scroll in a multiline textbox using the up and down arrows or by highlighting and dragging the text in the direction you want to go, but not allowing you to use your mouse to scroll and not presenting a scrollbar just seems like a hassle. Is there a way around this?