1. RadCalendar (input box) and RadNumericTextBox both do not respect the form dectoator skin. while this is probably gonna have a big effect but that should be the correct behaviour IMO. I simply throw all my controls on a form and decorate it by setting the skin of form dectorator and it looks awesome, but once i add controls like mentioned then they look odd because the decoration is not being respected.
2. Form dectorator does not decorate controls that are inside a sliding zone (collapsed initially), simply throw a slide zone splitter and the controls not inside the slide zone will get decorated but not the ones inside.
3. General note, I believe now since you guys introduce the form decoration, all controls u develop (radcalendar, radinput, even rad combobox) should all apply skins based on formdectorator as the master, if no form dectoration then shoudl apply what ever skin is set. This will make all the controls look proper based on the skin set for the decorator.
What I have done in my project is basically throw a form decorator on my page, regular textboxes, radgrid, panelbar etc. then i globally set the skin of all telerik controls and everything is nice and pretty except those mentioned that dont respect the decotration.
2. Form dectorator does not decorate controls that are inside a sliding zone (collapsed initially), simply throw a slide zone splitter and the controls not inside the slide zone will get decorated but not the ones inside.
3. General note, I believe now since you guys introduce the form decoration, all controls u develop (radcalendar, radinput, even rad combobox) should all apply skins based on formdectorator as the master, if no form dectoration then shoudl apply what ever skin is set. This will make all the controls look proper based on the skin set for the decorator.
What I have done in my project is basically throw a form decorator on my page, regular textboxes, radgrid, panelbar etc. then i globally set the skin of all telerik controls and everything is nice and pretty except those mentioned that dont respect the decotration.