Here is my code :
Lets say that my query return 1500 records, 1500 lines/rows will be added to the RadFilter which cause the page to freeze and it goes nowhere.
Not only the page freeze but my whole website become unresponsive.
How would you deal with that ? How many rows can handle the Rafilter component (approximately).
Right now i'm doing a If sql.Count > 100 Then do nothing but I'd like to have your feedback on such a situation
Thank You
Here is my code :
Protected Sub RadButton1_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles RadButton1.Click
Dim sql = (From p In DbContext.VUE_BACKOFFICE_INTERFACE_PHOTOs Select p Where p.etablissement.Contains(RadTextBox1.Text) Or p.titre.Contains(RadTextBox1.Text) Or p.description.Contains(RadTextBox1.Text) Or p.copyright.Contains(RadTextBox1.Text) Or p.tag.Contains(RadTextBox1.Text) Or p.sous_collection.Contains(RadTextBox1.Text) Order By p.id_photo Descending)
If sql.Count <> 0 Then
RadFilter1.RootGroup.GroupOperation = RadFilterGroupOperation.Or
For Each result In sql
Dim expr1 As New RadFilterEqualToFilterExpression(Of Integer)("id_photo")
expr1.Value = result.id_photo
End If
End Sub
Lets say that my query return 1500 records, 1500 lines/rows will be added to the RadFilter which cause the page to freeze and it goes nowhere.
Not only the page freeze but my whole website become unresponsive.
How would you deal with that ? How many rows can handle the Rafilter component (approximately).
Right now i'm doing a If sql.Count > 100 Then do nothing but I'd like to have your feedback on such a situation
Thank You