I have two web pages that use a RadFilter. The first one is used to set the filter for a data search. The second one is used to display the research results. The first page send the filter settings to the second one using this code line:
queryString[_QUERYSTRING_PARAM_FILTERS] = Server.UrlEncode(RadFilter1.SaveSettings());
The second web page receive the filter settings using this code lines:
Here is my problem: I want to add a RadFilterEqualToFilterExpression<Boolean> filter in the code (C#) just before the results web page is opened. The value of this filter is set to true. But the value is lost during the process and the filter's value is false in the results web page.It seems that the SaveSettings() method does not save the value of a filter that has been added in the code.
Do you have any recommendation?
Thank you