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RadFileExplorer Root file does not open

1 Answer 96 Views
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Krish Singh
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Rank 1
Krish Singh asked on 20 May 2010, 08:33 AM
Hi i am facing a problem when open root file its not open,

Here is my code:

<telerik:RadFileExplorer runat="server" ID="RadFileExplorer1" Width="734px" Height="400px"
                        EnableOpenFile="true" OnExplorerPopulated="RadFileExplorer1_ExplorerPopulated"
                        <Configuration ViewPaths="~/UserData/FacilityFile/" DeletePaths="~/UserData/FacilityFile/"
                            UploadPaths="~/UserData/FacilityFile/" SearchPatterns="*.pdf" />

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (!IsPostBack)
                    RadFileExplorer1.Configuration.ContentProviderTypeName = typeof(CustomColumnsContentProvider).AssemblyQualifiedName;
                    RadFileExplorer1.InitialPath = Page.ResolveUrl("~/UserData/FacilityFile/" + Id.ToString() + "/");

                    string[] DocPaths = new string[] { RadFileExplorer1.InitialPath };
                    RadFileExplorer1.Configuration.ViewPaths = DocPaths;
                    RadFileExplorer1.Configuration.UploadPaths = DocPaths;
                    RadFileExplorer1.Configuration.DeletePaths = DocPaths;
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
            RadFileExplorer1.Localization.SetString("Common_ConfirmDelete", "Are you sure you want to Delete?");

        private void InitializeComponent()
            DirectoryInfo nd = new DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath("~/UserData/FacilityFile/" + Id.ToString()));
            if (!nd.Exists)

        protected void RadFileExplorer1_ExplorerPopulated(object sender, RadFileExplorerPopulatedEventArgs e)
            //implement sorting for the custom Date column
            string sortingColumn = e.SortColumnName;
            if (sortingColumn == "Date")
                DateComparer dc = new DateComparer();
                if (e.SortDirection.IndexOf("DESC") != -1)
                    //reverse order

        public class DateComparer : IComparer<FileBrowserItem>
            int IComparer<FileBrowserItem>.Compare(FileBrowserItem item1, FileBrowserItem item2)
                //treat folders separate from files
                DateTime date1 = DateTime.Parse(item1.Attributes["Date"]);
                DateTime date2 = DateTime.Parse(item2.Attributes["Date"]);
                if (item1 is DirectoryItem)
                    if (item2 is DirectoryItem)
                        return DateTime.Compare(date1, date2);
                        return -1;
                    if (item2 is DirectoryItem)
                        return 1;
                        return DateTime.Compare(date1, date2);

        public class CustomColumnsContentProvider : FileSystemContentProvider
            public CustomColumnsContentProvider(HttpContext context, string[] searchPatterns, string[] viewPaths, string[] uploadPaths, string[] deletePaths, string selectedUrl, string selectedItemTag)
                : base(context, searchPatterns, viewPaths, uploadPaths, deletePaths, selectedUrl, selectedItemTag)
                // Declaring a constructor is required when creating a custom content provider class

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Telerik team
answered on 25 May 2010, 11:42 AM
Hi Krish,

I am not quite sure that I understood your problem. Could you please provide me with little bit more information about the issue? Do you get any error message?

It will be best if you open a new support ticket and send me a runnable project where i can reproduce the problem. I will check it and do my best to provide a working solution as soon as possible.

All the best,
the Telerik team

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Krish Singh
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Telerik team
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