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RadEditor UPPERcases HTML/XML tags

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James asked on 13 Mar 2009, 05:43 PM
I'm using the RadEditor widget to edit HTML, XML and other text types.  When I set the Content property, I verify that the tags look correct - lowercase.  When the widget is rendered in Firefox, this is maintained but when it's rendered in IE, the tags are all converted to uppercase, making my XML and XHTML invalid.

I've seen this thread but I'm not getting this to work quite right.

Basically, I need for RadEditor to not molest any of the content, no matter what the type of text is.  I want it to display exactly what I set the Content property to be and when I post back, I want the Content property to reflect exactly what is in the RadEditor.

This behavior seems to boil down to the value of the ContentFilters property.  When this property is set to Telerik.Web.UI.EditorFilters.None, IE changes the tags to uppercase.  When this property is set to Telerik.Web.UI.EditorFilters.ConvertToXhtml, both browsers convert the real values to lowercase.  How do I get the control to not interfere with the Content value?


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Telerik team
answered on 16 Mar 2009, 07:47 PM
Hi James,

The content area of RadEditor is an editable IFRAME that uses the rich text editing engine of the browser. The observed HTML tag uppercase problem in IE is a browser behavior and you can easily verify it by setting the same content in an editable IFRAME element. For your convenience I have attached a page with editable IFRAME element in it. Just set the content in the IFRAME and you will see that IE will convert all tags to uppercase letters. You can also see that Firefox will not convert the tags to uppercase.

The ConvertToXhtml filter of RadEditor takes care of the Uppercase TAG problem in IE and converts all tag names to lowercase letters. If the filter is disabled then the content will not be validated by the editor and it will be displayed as it is supplied by the browser with uppercase letters.

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the Telerik team

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