Hello, I'm sorry if this has already been reported or addressed, I did a quick search and didn't found anything related to what I found.
I found some problems with the radEditor for Localization. I have a page with two radEditor, one set to English and the other one to French.
I found some problems with the radEditor for Localization. I have a page with two radEditor, one set to English and the other one to French.
- The output from InsertDate functionality from the toolbar is always in english i.e. Thursday, January 22, 2009.
- The AjaxSpellCheck functionality from toolbar displayed on top when spell check active is in English only.
- The AjaxSpellCheck dialog or popup suggestion in English only. Even if I have both dictionary in the App_Data folder.
- The Close (X) button localization for all dialogs seems to be hardcoded. I had a look at the ressource file and the translation is properly set.
To reproduce the problem, you need to have two radEditor on the same page with both pointing on a different Localization (language property).
I also notice that if they (radEditor) use a different skin, some of the properties of the last defined radEditor skin will affect the other one(s) i.e. background.