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RadEditor in SharePoint collapsing groups in Ribbon

5 Answers 137 Views
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Nils asked on 22 Oct 2012, 08:36 PM
I am using RadEditor 2012.3.1016 from Ajax-controls for SharePoint 2010 (Telerik_AJAX_Controls_2012_3_1016_for_SharePoint_2010_Dev) I have modified the ToolsFile.xml to display all buttons...
Sometimes (and I mean "sometimes"... same page, same clicks... everything) the ribbon displays all groups fully and sometimes the last two groups are displayed collapsed. (See attached images).

Is there any way to ensure consistent behaviour?

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Telerik team
answered on 25 Oct 2012, 01:32 PM

I am not aware of this problem and I am unable to reproduce it. Could you please provide the ToolsFile.xml file and the ConfigFile.xml of RadEditor for SharePoint so that I can test them?

Do you experience the problem if the ToolbarMode property is set to RibbonBar?

All the best,
the Telerik team
If you want to get updates on new releases, tips and tricks and sneak peeks at our product labs directly from the developers working on the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX, subscribe to their blog feed now.
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answered on 28 Nov 2012, 09:30 AM
Sorry for my late answer. We had disabled the RadEditor because I was unable to "handle" it in time...
This happens in RibbonBarPageTop, and RibbonBar mode, yes.

I see that I have asked this in the wrong group - sorry for that. Could you please move this thread into forums/sharepoint-2010/integrate-ajax-controls ?

However, I seem to be unable to attach files in this answer.
    <module name="RadEditorDomInspector" />
    <tool name="Cut"
          shortcut="CTRL+X" />
    <tool name="Copy"
          shortcut="CTRL+C" />
    <tool name="Paste"
          shortcut="CTRL+V" />
    <tool name="PastePlainText" />
    <tool name="PasteAsHtml" />
    <tool name="PasteFromWordNoFontsNoSizes" />
    <tool name="PasteFromWord" />
    <tool name="Undo"
          shortcut="CTRL+Z" />
    <tool name="Redo"
          shortcut="CTRL+Y" />
    <tool name="FontName" />
    <tool name="FontSize" />
    <tool name="Bold"
          shortcut="CTRL+B" />
    <tool name="Italic"
          shortcut="CTRL+I" />
    <tool name="Underline"
          shortcut="CTRL+U" />
    <tool name="StrikeThrough" />
    <tool name="Subscript" />
    <tool name="Superscript" />
    <tool name="BackColor" />
    <tool name="ForeColor" />
    <tool name="FormatStripper" />
    <tool name="InsertUnorderedList" />
    <tool name="InsertOrderedList" />
    <tool name="Outdent" />
    <tool name="Indent" />
    <tool name="SPLeftToRight"
          text="Left to Right" />
    <tool name="SPRightToLeft"
          text="Right to Left" />
    <tool name="JustifyLeft" />
    <tool name="JustifyCenter" />
    <tool name="JustifyRight" />
    <tool name="JustifyFull" />
    <tool separator="true" />
    <tool name="ApplyClass" />
    <tool separator="true" />
    <!-- tool name="AjaxSpellCheck" / -->
    <tool separator="true" />
    <tool name="FormatBlock" />
    <tool name="InsertHorizontalRule" />
    <!-- tool name="ToggleSource" / -->
    <tool name="InsertTable" />
    <tool name="ToggleTableBorder" />
    <tool separator="true" />
    <tool name="ImageManager" />
    <tool name="MediaManager" />
    <!-- tool name="FlashManager" / -->
    <tool separator="true" />
    <tool name="SPLinkManager"
          text="Insert Link" />
    <tool name="Unlink" />
    <tool separator="true" />
    <tool name="SPTemplateManager"
          text="Insert Reusable Content" />
    <tool separator="true" />
    <!-- tool name="SPInsertWebPart" text="Insert Web Part"/>
    <tool separator="true" / -->
    <tool name="MedInsertClueTip"
          text="Insert ClueTip"/>
    <!-- tool separator="true" />
    <tool name="Help" / -->
    <!-- tool name="AboutDialog" / -->
    <tool name="FindAndReplace" />
    <tool name="InsertDate" />
    <tool name="InsertTime" />
    <!-- tool name="Zoom" / -->
    <!-- tool name="AbsolutePosition" />
    <tool name="XhtmlValidator" / -->
    <!-- tool name="InsertCustomLink" / -->
    <!-- tool name="TrackChangesDialog" / -->
    <!-- tool name="TemplateManager" / -->
    <!-- tool name="FormatCodeBlock" / -->
    <!-- tool name="InsertFormElement" / -->
    <!-- tool name="ToggleDocking" / -->
    <!-- tool name="ToggleScreenMode" / -->
    <!-- tool name="Custom" />
    <tool name="InsertParagraph" / -->
    <!-- tool name="Print" / -->
    <!-- tool name="InsertSnippet" />
    <tool name="LinkManager" / -->
    <tool name="InsertSymbol" />
    <!--tool name="RepeatLastCommand" / -->
    <!-- tool name="DocumentManager" / -->
    <!-- tool name="IncreaseSize" />
    <tool name="DecreaseSize" / -->
    <!-- tool name="ModuleManager" / -->
    <contextMenu forElement="*">
      <tool name="Cut"/>
      <tool name="Copy"/>
      <tool name="Paste"/>
      <tool name="PastePlainText" />
      <tool name="PasteAsHtml" />
      <tool name="PasteFromWordNoFontsNoSizes" />
      <tool name="PasteFromWord" />
    <class name="Clear Class"
           value="" />
    <class name="Normal"
           value=".ms-rteStyle-Normal" />
    <class name="Highlight"
           value=".ms-rteStyle-Highlight" />
    <class name="By Line"
           value=".ms-rteStyle-Byline" />
    <class name="Tag Line"
           value=".rteStyle-Tagline" />
    <class name="Comment"
           value=".ms-rteStyle-Comment" />
    <class name="References"
           value=".ms-rteStyle-References" />
    <class name="Caption"
           value=".ms-rteStyle-Caption" />
    <paragraph name="<H1 class='ms-rteElement-H1'>Heading 1</H1>"
               value="<H1 class='ms-rteElement-H1'>" />
    <paragraph name="<H2 class='ms-rteElement-H2'>Heading 2</H2>"
               value="<H2 class='ms-rteElement-H2'>" />
    <paragraph name="<H3 class='ms-rteElement-H3'>Heading 3</H3>"
               value="<H3 class='ms-rteElement-H3'>" />
    <paragraph name="<H4 class='ms-rteElement-H4'>Heading 4</H4>"
               value="<H4 class='ms-rteElement-H4'>" />
    <paragraph name="<H1 class='ms-rteElement-H1B'>Colored Heading 1</H1>"
               value="<H1 class='ms-rteElement-H1B'>" />
    <paragraph name="<H2 class='ms-rteElement-H2B'>Colored Heading 2</H2>"
               value="<H2 class='ms-rteElement-H2B'>" />
    <paragraph name="<H3 class='ms-rteElement-H3B'>Colored Heading 3</H3>"
               value="<H3 class='ms-rteElement-H3B'>" />
    <paragraph name="<H4 class='ms-rteElement-H4B'>Colored Heading 4</H4>"
               value="<H4 class='ms-rteElement-H4B'>" />
    <!-- paragraph name="<p class='ms-rteElement-P'>Paragraph</p>" value="<p class='ms-rteElement-P'>" / -->
    <paragraph name="<div class='ms-rteElement-Callout1'>Callout 1</div>"
               value="<div class='ms-rteElement-Callout1'>" />
    <paragraph name="<div class='ms-rteElement-Callout2'>Callout 2</div>"
               value="<div class='ms-rteElement-Callout2'>" />
    <paragraph name="<div class='ms-rteElement-Callout3'>Callout 3</div>"
               value="<div class='ms-rteElement-Callout3'>" />
    <paragraph name="<div class='ms-rteElement-Callout4'>Callout 4</div>"
               value="<div class='ms-rteElement-Callout4'>" />
    <item name="Arial" />
    <item name="Calibri" />
    <item name="Comic Sans" />
    <item name="Courier" />
    <item name="Garamond" />
    <item name="Georgia" />
    <item name="Impact" />
    <item name="Lucida Console" />
    <item name="Palatino Linotype" />
    <item name="Times New Roman" />
    <item name="Trebuchet MS" />
    <item name="Verdana" />

and ConfigFile.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <property name="ToolsWidth">100%</property>
  <property name="ContentAreaMode">Div</property>
  <property name="ImagesPaths">
  <property name="ImageFilters">
  <property name="DocumentsPaths">
  <property name="DocumentsFilters">
  <property name="MediaPaths">
  <property name="MediaFilters">
  <property name="SPOptions-EnableAutomaticApprove">false</property>
  <property name="SPOptions-EnableAutomaticPublish">false</property>
  <property name="UseSharedToolbar">false</property>
  <property name="ToolbarMode">Floating</property>
  <property name="EditModes">Design,Preview</property>
  <property name="AllowThumbGeneration">true</property>
  <property name="EnableDocking">true</property>
  <!-- property name="Skin">Office2010Blue</property -->
  <property name="ContentFilters">MakeUrlsAbsolute,FixUlBoldItalic,IECleanAnchors,MozEmStrong,ConvertFontToSpan,ConvertToXhtml,IndentHTMLContent</property>
  <property name="MakeUrlsAbsolute">true</property>
  <property name="FixUlBoldItalic">true</property>
  <property name="IECleanAnchors">true</property>
  <property name="MozEmStrong">true</property>
  <property name="ConvertFontToSpan">true</property>
  <property name="ConvertToXhtml">true</property>
  <property name="IndentHTMLContent">true</property>

Telerik team
answered on 30 Nov 2012, 01:51 PM

I have good news that the reported problem will be fixed in the upcoming Q3 2012 SP1 release of RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX.

You can try to fix it in your project by registering the following script

function OnClientLoad(sender) {
  var wnd = sender.get_toolAdapter().get_window();
  wnd.add_show(function () {
     if (sender.get_toolAdapter() instanceof  Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.RibbonBarToolAdapter)

in the \Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\wpresources\RadEditorSharePoint\6.x.x.0__1f131a624888eeed\Resources\SPEditorTools.js

file and the OnClientLoad property in the ConfigFile.xml:

<property name="OnClientLoad">OnClientLoad</property>

All the best,
the Telerik team
If you want to get updates on new releases, tips and tricks and sneak peeks at our product labs directly from the developers working on the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX, subscribe to their blog feed now.
Markus Bamberger
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Rank 1
answered on 22 May 2014, 03:41 PM

I'm using the RadEditor from the 2014.1.403.45-Version of the Ajax-Controls and have the same Problem here.

I have placed two RadEditor-Controls on a page. After Pageload at the first one the last 3 ribbon Groups are collapsed.
At the second control everything is fine.
When I switch to another tab on the ribbon and back again, after a second the first one also renders correct.

Any ideas how to fix this behaviour?

Telerik team
answered on 27 May 2014, 06:44 AM
Hello Markus,

I tried to reproduce the issue on my end with the provided information, but to no avail.

I suggest contacting us via proper support ticket with attached sample project that demonstrates the issue and further information about the scenario, so that we could succesfully reproduce and investigate the encountered problem.

If you want to get updates on new releases, tips and tricks and sneak peeks at our product labs directly from the developers working on the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX, subscribe to their blog feed now.
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Telerik team
Top achievements
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Markus Bamberger
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Telerik team
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