I have a radeditor in which text from word is copied has between tags which acts as spacing between two paraghraphs.
But when I use get_html via js, it scrubs this ' ' from the text, due to which the spacing between paraghraphs is cleared.
I am attaching word text for reference
internal audit department is currently involved in a quality assurance review
(QAR) that will continue through September 12, 2014.The internal audit
standards require an external review of the internal audit activity every five
years. The QAR is designed to assess Internal Audit’s conformance with the
standards of the auditing profession and its effectiveness in providing
assurance & consulting services to the Company’s board of directors, senior
leaders, and other interested parties.
acknowledge the time constraints with your busy schedules, but would greatly
appreciate your completion of this survey. The survey results will go directly
to Protiviti and your response will be kept confidential. Internal Audit
will only be provided the summarized results.
you have any questions regarding the process, please feel free to contact Sean
Humphreys at Thank you in advance for participating in the QAR and helping
continuously improve the effectiveness of the internal audit function.
Thank You