When I export the RadEditor's content having table in it, it doesn't the table. Here is the simple HTML from the HTML tab of the editor (I did not with HTML and this is auto generated HTML when I place the table.)
<td> 1</td>
<td>2 </td>
<br />
I am using Telerik 2011.2.712.40. Below is the attributes set for the editor in ASPX page,
<telerik:RadEditor ID="radEditor1" runat="server" Skin="Default" Height="500px" Width="100%"
OnClientSelectionChange="OnClientSelectionChange" AutoResizeHeight="false" ContentFilters="DefaultFilters,MakeUrlsAbsolute"
OnClientCommandExecuting="OnClientCommandExecuting" NewLineMode="Div" >
<ExportSettings FileName="exporttopdf" OpenInNewWindow="true" Pdf-PageBottomMargin="1.0 cm"
Pdf-PageLeftMargin="1.5 cm" Pdf-PageRightMargin="1.5 cm" Pdf-PageTopMargin="1.0 cm">
I am using the method, radEditor1.ExportToPdf(); in CodeBehind.