Hello dear telerik-team,
we are facing a huge problem with your example from here: http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/dropdowntree/examples/populatingwithdata/webserviceandclienttemplates/defaultcs.aspx , because we have like ~18000 Categories which we have to fill.
The problem we are now facing is, that we have created the exact copy of you webservice, but it isn't working like on your site.
We are using "Postman"-Extension for chrome and when we post something like
on your demo-Url : http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/dropdowntree/examples/populatingwithdata/webserviceandclienttemplates/DropDownTreeWebService.svc/LoadData
We are getting a nice json which looks like this:{
"d": [
"__type": "DropDownNodeData:#Telerik.Web.UI",
"Attributes": [],
"ExpandMode": 0,
"Text": "CNN",
"Value": "5"
}, ........
But when we are doing the same thing to our webservice we get :
"Attributes": [],
"ExpandMode": 0,
"Text": "Sammeln & Seltenes",
"Value": "1"
}, ....
So we are wondering if you could tell us, which settings for the service you have done in the web.config file.