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RadDropdownlist in Radgrid cause DataRowView error

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Henry asked on 26 Nov 2015, 03:28 PM

I'm using RadDropdownlist in Radgrid,  "SelectedValue " or "Databinding" cause DataRowView . I don't know why?

Here is my code:

datasource part

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="landmarketclasssqldatasource" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:myAsystemstring %>"
     SelectCommand="SELECT  [PK_LandMarketClass],[LandMarketClass]  FROM [Ref_LandMarketClass]">


<asp:SqlDataSource ID="mysqldatasource" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:myAsystemstring %>"
        SelectCommand="select a.PK_land, a.pk_bookID, a.landblockname, a.capacityrate, a.landblockarea, b.landmarketclass, a.pk_period   from LD_Landblock a left join Ref_LandMarketClass b on a.PK_landmarketclass=b.PK_landmarketclass where pk_bookID=@pk_bookID"
        InsertCommand ="insert into ld_landblock (PK_bookID ,landblockname,capacityrate,landblockarea, pk_landmarketclass, pk_period,pk_userIDlasteditor) values(@pk_bookid, @landblockname,@capacityrate,@landblockarea,@pk_landmarketclass,@pk_period,@pk_userIDlasteditor)"
        UpdateCommand ="update ld_landblock set landblockname=@landblockname, capacityrate=@capacityrate, pk_useridlasteditor=@pk_useridlasteditor,landblockarea=@landblockarea, pk_landmarketclass=@pk_landmarketclass where pk_land=@pk_land"
        DeleteCommand="delete  from ld_landblock where pk_land=@pk_land"
            <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="HFPK_BookID" Name="pk_bookID" PropertyName="Value" />
           <asp:Parameter Name="LandBlockName" Type="String"></asp:Parameter>
           <asp:Parameter Name="CapacityRate" Type="Decimal" ></asp:Parameter>
           <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="HFPK_BookID" Type="Int32" Name="pk_bookID" PropertyName="Value" />
           <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="HFUserID" Type="Int32" Name="pk_userIDlasteditor" PropertyName="Value" />
           <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="HFPK_Period" Type="Int32" Name="pk_period" PropertyName="Value" />
           <asp:Parameter Name="landblockarea" Type="Decimal" />
           <asp:Parameter Name="pk_landmarketclass" Type="Int32" />
           <asp:Parameter Name="PK_land" Type="Object"   />
           <asp:Parameter Name="LandBlockName" Type="String"></asp:Parameter>
           <asp:Parameter Name="CapacityRate" Type="Decimal" ></asp:Parameter>
           <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="HFUserID" Type="Int32" Name="pk_userIDlasteditor" PropertyName="Value" />
           <asp:Parameter Name="landblockarea" Type="Decimal" />
           <asp:Parameter Name="pk_landmarketclass"  Type="Int32" />
            <asp:Parameter Name="PK_land"  Type="Object"  ></asp:Parameter>


and raddropdownlist in radgrid

method 1

<telerik:GridDropDownColumn HeaderText="class" UniqueName="pk_landmarketclass" DataSourceID="landmarketclasssqldatasource"
                       ListTextField="landmarketclass" ListValueField="pk_landmarketclass"   DataField="pk_landmarketclass"  >

method 2

<telerik:RadDropDownList  ID="RDDLlandmarketclass" runat="server"  DataSourceID="landmarketclasssqldatasource" DataTextField="landmarketclass"
                                  DataValueField="pk_landmarketclass"    SelectedValue='<%# Bind("PK_landmarketclass") %>'  >

 neither of methods works. all of them cause datarowview error.

my reference:

Thanks in advance

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Telerik team
answered on 01 Dec 2015, 07:33 AM
Hello Henry,

It seems that this error is SQL related and not Telerik specific. For testing purpose, could you temporarily remove the DataField property of the GridDropDownColumn and see whether the error will vanish? Also, you can place a testing RadDropDownList outside the grid, remove the SelectedValue property and let me know if the dropdown is bound correctly.

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