Hi, I have two questions regarding recorder in RadDocumentPane.
1. I am using RadDocumentPane to host several panes. I would like to allow users to reorder these panes by drag and drop any of the tabs. In the same time, I have a RadTreeView, which contains the same panes like RadDocumentPane. I would like to be able to get notified when user finished reordering the tabs in RadDocumentPane so that I can sync it to my RadTreeView. What event should I subscribe to in the RadDocumentPane? So far I have tried Drop, DragDrop.Drop, none of these triggers when I finished reorder and drop onto RadDocumentPane.
2. Also, I would like to change the order in RadTreeView, and sync it to RadDocumentPane. By DragDrop in RadTreeView, I could reorder these view models, and I am doing this:
public void UpdatePanes(IEnumerable<BasePaneViewModel> pages)
if(pages == null || Panes == null) return;
foreach (var page in pages)
Would this be a good way to recorder in RadDocumentPane or if there is better way to do it?