We have a requirement of having tabs and radDocks in the RadTabStrip. I am saving the RadDock States in the database and using hidden update Panel as shown in the example project.
Is there a way to load only the selected tab Rad Docks and their state when the tab is selected instead of loading both the tabs?
We can have maximum of 19 Widgets on a single tab, and each RadDock inclues grids, images etc... To load all the widgets it is taking a long time. Please let me know if only the selected tab can be loaded instead of both the tabs. I tried using RenderSelectedPageOnly="true" of RadMultiPage, but did not change the loading time.
Attached a sample project with DashboardPage that has 2 tabs as 2 user controls. Please take a look at this and let me know.
PS: How do I attach a zip file which contains the sample project.
Thanks for all of your help.