Please note that we are trying to place content or controls with right alignment inside a RadDock control, as shown below, and unfortunately we could not make it happen.
Thus, we would appreciate your assistance in this case.
Thanks in advance and we are keen to hear from you,
JValley Software Solutions
The Essence of Quality !!
td style="padding-right:5px; border-style: groove; border-width: thin; " colspan="2" valign="top"
<telerik:RadDockLayout ID="RadDockLayout1" Runat="server" Skin="Vista">
<telerik:RadDockZone ID="RadDockZone1" Runat="server" dir="rtl">
<telerik:RadDock ID="RadDock1" Runat="server" Skin="Vista"
DefaultCommands="All" dir="rtl">
<p dir="rtl">This paragraph should be right aligned !!</p>