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radDatePicker versus RadCalendar

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blessed asked on 17 Jun 2017, 03:05 AM

As i am responsible to make our site 508 compliant, i used Wave (chrome) to check the pages for any potential issues.  It turns out that Wave flagged the page because the generated HTML contains a <th> tag without a text.

<caption style="display:none;">
    </caption><thead style="display:none;">
        <th scope="col"></th>

1- Why does Telerik generates a <th> tag without a text. It should have been


<caption style="display:none;">
    </caption><thead style="display:none;">
        <th scope="col">RadDatePicker</th>

2- The same issue occured with the title Navigation bar- Was a property not properly set?

                    <span style="display:none;">Title and navigation</span>
                    <tr style="display:none;">
                      <th scope="col"></th>

Kindly advise

<div id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtBirthDate_wrapper" class="RadPicker RadPicker_Default" style="display:inline-block;width:160px;">
  <input style="visibility:hidden;display:block;float:right;margin:0 0 -1px -1px;width:1px;height:1px;overflow:hidden;border:0;padding:0;" id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtBirthDate" name="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$txtBirthDate" type="text" class="rdfd_ radPreventDecorate" value="" title="Visually hidden input created for functionality purposes."><table cellspacing="0" class="rcTable rcSingle" summary="Table holding date picker control for selection of dates." style="width:100%;">
    <caption style="display:none;">
    </caption><thead style="display:none;">
        <th scope="col"></th>
        <td class="rcInputCell" style="width:100%;"><span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtBirthDate_dateInput_wrapper" class="riSingle RadInput RadInput_Default" style="display: block; width: 100%;"><input id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtBirthDate_dateInput" name="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$txtBirthDate$dateInput" class="riTextBox riEnabled" type="text"><input id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtBirthDate_dateInput_ClientState" name="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtBirthDate_dateInput_ClientState" type="hidden" autocomplete="off" value="{"enabled":true,"emptyMessage":"","validationText":"","valueAsString":"","minDateStr":"1900-01-01-00-00-00","maxDateStr":"2099-12-31-00-00-00","lastSetTextBoxValue":""}"></span></td><td><a title="Open the calendar popup." href="#" id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtBirthDate_popupButton" class="rcCalPopup">Open the calendar popup.</a><div id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtBirthDate_calendar_wrapper" style="display:none;">
          <table id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtBirthDate_calendar" summary="Calendar control which enables the selection of dates." cellspacing="0" class="RadCalendar RadCalendar_Default" border="0">
              <span style="display:none;">Calendar</span>
                <td class="rcTitlebar"><table cellspacing="0" summary="Title and navigation which can change and show the current year and month." border="0">
                    <span style="display:none;">Title and navigation</span>
                    <tr style="display:none;">
                      <th scope="col"></th>


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Telerik team
answered on 21 Jun 2017, 08:49 AM

I've already replied to your other thread for a similar query. The empty th cell is the row number column's header:

I suggest that we continue our technical conversation on the mentioned thread.

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answered on 22 Jun 2017, 12:51 AM

Thank you Eyup.


I tried the code but it didn't work. For some reason the get_element property does not even grab the html generated tag <th>.


I am thinking that we might need to reset the RenderMode as in this link

what do you think?


Kind Regards


Telerik team
answered on 26 Jun 2017, 10:37 AM

I've created a sample web site to demonstrate that the approach properly resolves the empty header cell WAVE error. Please run the attached application and verify the result on your side, too.

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answered on 28 Jun 2017, 11:51 AM

Thank you Eyup for your answer.


The application was missing the following

                <asp:ScriptReference Assembly="Telerik.Web.UI" Name="Telerik.Web.UI.Common.Core.js" />
                <asp:ScriptReference Assembly="Telerik.Web.UI" Name="Telerik.Web.UI.Common.jQuery.js" />
                <asp:ScriptReference Assembly="Telerik.Web.UI" Name="Telerik.Web.UI.Common.jQueryInclude.js" />

I also used pure JavaScript to access the DOM  and update the table header inner text.


Once again Thank you so much for your help.

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