Hi, I've tried to set a static position on my fastnavigationpopu when we click on title of the calendar inside the RadDatePicker and i also add an other function to show the calendar over the dateInput when there's not enough space on bottom of the screen. But the thing is that when the calendar is showing over the dateInput the fastnavigationpopup show where he should be when the calendar is under the dateInput.
Is there anyway to set the position on click of the calendarTitle? or simply get the fastnavigationpopup
Here,s the javascript i used to implement both function:
FastNavigationPopup: (OnLoad / OnCalendarViewChange - Calendar)
function SetUpNavigation (sender) |
{ |
var datePickerTitle = sender._titleID; |
var titleElement = $get(datePickerTitle); |
var pickerID = datePickerTitle.replace("_calendar_Title", ""); |
var calendarPosition = GetCalendarElement(pickerID); |
var oldOnclick = titleElement.onclick; |
var onclickHandler = function() |
{ |
var e = { |
clientX : calendarPosition.x - 75, |
clientY : calendarPosition.y + 30 |
}; |
oldOnclick(e); |
window.setTimeout(function() |
{ |
titleElement.onclick = onclickHandler; |
}, 20); |
}; |
titleElement.onclick = onclickHandler; |
} |
function GetCalendarElement (datePickerID) |
{ |
var datePicker = $find(datePickerID); |
var calendar = datePicker.get_popupContainer(); |
return datePicker.getElementPosition(calendar); |
} |
For the calendarPopup (OnClick - DatePopupButton)
functionShowPopupCorrectPosition (pickerID) |
{ |
var dpWrapper = document.getElementById(pickerID).parentNode |
var picker = $find(pickerID); |
var dpOffsetTop = GetElementPosition(pickerID).y + dpWrapper.offsetHeight; |
var pageHeight = document.body.offsetHeight; |
var calHeight = GetCalendarHeight(pickerID); |
if((dpOffsetTop + calHeight) > pageHeight) |
{ |
shouldSkip = true; |
PopupAbove(pickerID); |
SetUpNavigationPopupOpenning(pickerID); |
} |
else |
{ |
var datePicker = $find(pickerID); |
datePicker.showPopup(); |
} |
} |
function GetCalendarHeight (pickerID) |
{ |
var datePicker = $find(pickerID); |
var popupElement = datePicker.get_popupContainer(); |
var dimensions = datePicker.getElementDimensions(popupElement); |
return dimensions.height; |
} |
function GetElementPosition(pickerID) |
{ |
var datePicker = $find(pickerID); |
var textBox = datePicker.get_textBox(); |
var position = datePicker.getElementPosition(textBox); |
return position; |
} |
function PopupAbove(pickerID) |
{ |
var datePicker = $find(pickerID); |
var popupElementHeight = GetCalendarHeight(pickerID); |
var position = GetElementPosition(pickerID); |
datePicker.showPopup(position.x, (position.y - popupElementHeight) + 18); |
} |