I have a RadDateInput control in a user control for a website:
<telerik:RadDateInput rendermode="lightweight" id="calOneOff" runat="server" EmptyMessage="Enter valid date" DBSelectedDate='<%# Bind("OneOffDate")%>' SkipMinMaxDateValidationOnServer="true"></telerik:RadDateInput>
The original data is from the database, there the OneOffDate field can either have a valid date, or null values.
As I pick this up in visual studio and store the value in a list of objects, the OneOffDate value is held in a property also called OneOffDate, which is a DateTime datatype. As a result, the stored value for null values is "01/01/0001" (New Zealand culture, so day/month/year).
Unfortunately this causes the RadDateInput to show this value (01/01/0001) on the page, along with a little exclamation mark icon (as its too far back in the past to be a valid date). Is there a way so that if the date is outside a certain range (e.g. before the year 2000) it will show a blank value on the RadDateInput control when databinding?
Thank you