I'm looking for an example to show a radconfirm to the user after clicking on a toolBar_Button, i've found this thread : http://www.telerik.com/support/kb/aspnet-ajax/window/using-radprompt-and-radconfirm-with-telerik-navigational-controls.aspx
but my question is, why we cant just use a client side fonction on the OnClientButtonClicking event and like :
OnClientButtonClicking="ConfirmData;return false;" and on this function juste make an AjaxRequestWithTarget("<%=ToolBar.ClientID%>") ? If i'm using this approach the postback are not canceled (with the "return false"), and if i'm cancelling the event (eventArgs.set_cancel(true)) the server side event is never raise. So if someone can give me more informations about this approach, it will be really appreciated !
Thanks in advance for your help.