I have a RadComboBox with an associated required field validator. On Internet Explorer 11 (maybe other versions) an X appears that allows the user to clear the Combo. Please see the attached image if you don't know what I mean.
If the user clears the selection with the X and then clicks elsewhere (on another control for example) then the required field validator for the RadComboBox will activate. I only want this validator (and the other validators) to fire when the page is posted back.
There are a couple of the approaches that I have investigated but couldn't make get to work 100% correctly for various reasons are
1. Disable the validator temporarily with Javascript and re-enable later on. As per this thread Radcombobox clearSelection causes validation.
2. Use a custom validator.
The second one isn't really an option because the RadComboBox is used in an .ascx file that is re-used in a lot of places. Also, some attributes that are specific to a RequiredFieldValidator are required.
So, I am asking if there is a simple low impact way of preventing the validator from firing in this scenario?
Thanks in advance,