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Radcombobox issue in IE 11

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Gilbert asked on 30 Sep 2015, 05:35 PM


AUT with Radcombobox controls on IE8 and QTP/UFT = works well.

AUT with Radcombobox controls on IE9 and QTP/UFT = works well.

AUT with Radcombobox controls on IE11 and QTP/UFT = objects are recognized but values are showing empty or blank.

Any suggestion on how to fix this issue?




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Telerik team
answered on 05 Oct 2015, 08:20 AM
Hi Gilbert,

This behavior is most probably related to the IE browser versions support of your QTP/ UFT. Here is the respective Browser Support Matrix.

In addition, there are numerous forum threads addressing similar QTP/ UFT issues, not related to Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX specifically. Some users claim that even the respective version would claim that it supports IE11, they had issues using it - e.g. the last reply in the following thread.

I would suggest you to first check the browser support claimed and then check for QTP troubleshooting threads if needed.

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answered on 05 Oct 2015, 04:44 PM

Hi Dimitar, 

 IE 11 is supported in UFT 12.5x that we are using.

Our automated QTP/UFT tests all are running well (using a third-party Add-in/Plug-in) except for the Telerik controls (mainly the Radcombobox) on IE 11.  QTP/UFT 12.5x recognizes these controls but the value and index properties are showing blank/empty.

Running the same tests on IE 8 or IE 9, these Telerik Radcombobox controls are well recognized and therefore no issues.
If the issue is with QTP/UFT, then the tests should also fail in IE 8 or IE 9.

In the Telerik Forum and the internet, there are so many reported issues on Telerik controls with IE 11 so I posted this thread at Telerik Forum hoping that maybe there is a patch or a work-around that we can use to resolve our issue with Radcombobox.

Maybe there is a need to modify the Telerik Add-in source code that we are using to make it work with IE 11?
Again, this Third-Party Telerik Add-in in QTP/UFT has been working well for years and now failing with IE 11.





Telerik team
answered on 06 Oct 2015, 04:26 PM
Hi Gilbert,

Could you specify if you are using Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX and could you explain what is this third party Telerik Add-in which you are using?

Unfortunately we do not use UFT and we are not aware of any workarounds for issues that could be faced with it. I would like to point out that support for this automation tool is out of the scope of our controls suite and it is up to the tool to recognize and/or to be suitable for automating an application build with a given technology.

As a vendor providing Dev tools, in order to ease the testing process, Telerik provides a testing solution compatible with our controls - the Telerik Test Studio. It has inbuilt translators for recognizing Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX. They provide you a range of quick smart steps that you could use to build your tests. You may check the Test Recording -> Translators help article and its related resources to find out more how to take advantage of these translators.

I have recorded a quick test showing how you could navigate to a page with RadRibbonBar for example, click on its tab and verify that the first item is visible. Or you could use any option available in the translators menu. You may notice that the steps recorded are briefly highlighted in a green banner below the browser's address bar.

And last, but not least, you may download a free trial and try Test Studio by yourself.

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answered on 06 Oct 2015, 05:13 PM

Hi Dimitar,

One of our Dev Teams uses Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX for some applications. We are using a Third-Party Add-in for QTP/UFT that has been working for years to handle Telerik controls such as RadCombobox. No issue with this in IE 8 and IE 9, as I mentioned in previous post. With this Add-in in QTP/UFT, Telerik controls are recognized and tests are running well.

With IE 11, the Telerik Radcomboboxes are still recognized by UFT 12.5x. The issue we are seeing is that the values in those Radcomboboxes are showing empty/blank. We did some search in the internet and Telerik forum and found articles related to Telerik controls having problems with IE 11. So we are hoping you can give us any clue on what we need to do with the Third-Party Add-in source code to make it work with IE 11.

If the issue is with UFT 12.5x, then our tests should also fail in IE 8 and IE 9.  The issue is with Telerik and IE 11.

Unfortunately, I don't know what version of Telerik UI our dev team is using. I'm hoping they are using the latest version. If you know which version of Telerik UI works well with IE 11, please let us know.

Regarding your suggestion about Telerik Studio, we have evaluated that tool and found many issues with our apps especially with our hybrid mobile apps.





Telerik team
answered on 09 Oct 2015, 08:55 AM
Hi Gilbert,

It is essential that you find out what version of Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX your product uses. It may turn out to be a version that does not support IE 11. I would suggest you to download a trial of our latest version and test with it.

In addition, we have a blog post How to get your ASP.NET application working in IE11, which may help you resolve a configuration issue that may prevent proper functioning of your app in that browser.

And last, but not least, I am afraid that we are not aware of this add in and its source code. It falls out of the scope of our controls and support. I would suggest you to open a support ticket to either UFT or the Add in provider and send them a sample and steps for issue reproduction. It may turn out to be an issue in the Add in. And although UFT does not recognize the values with IE 11, but does with IE 8 and 9, it does not mean that the tool is out of suspicion for a fault.

I hope that it would turn out to be a version or configuration issue and could be solved easily.

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