I want to bind image to radcombobox and iits composite control and in attribute i am binding image but its no displaying image please help!!
private static RadComboBoxItemData ConvertData(IAutoCompleteItem item)
var data = new RadComboBoxItemData();
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> itm in item.Attributes)
// data.Attributes[itm.Key] = itm.Value;
//string imageURL = string.Format(null, "<div class=\"bed_priority_field\"><img src=\"../img/assignment_{0}.png\" /></div>", "priority");
// data.Attributes["style"] = "background: url(" + imageURL + ");background-repeat:no-repeat;";
// _radItem.Attributes["imgpath"] = "../img/assignment_priority.png";
data.Attributes[itm.Key] = "<html>< head></head><body><img src=\"../img/assignment_priority.png\" /></body></html>";
data.Text = item.Text;
data.Enabled = item.Enabled;
data.Value = item.Value;
return data;