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RadCombobox Filtering Culture and CaseSensitive Problem

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Hakan asked on 20 Feb 2011, 01:05 PM
My problem about turkish character problem with filtering.I also made culture as tr-TR for a combobox.Assume that one of records (IstiasIi) that contains special Turkish characters(upper I , lower i).
When I write lower (i) its only matching lower (i) but I want to see to it also matched with(upper I) character because in turkish they are same.if I write (upper I) it is matching only (upper I) not lower.Another chacters which are turkish(s,ΓΌ ...) they are always matching lower or upper.if I write (lower i) it is matching with (upper I and I) .lower i is not equal upper I in turkish.When I use load on demand property of combobox, sql query which contains like function get a data exactly what a want.Code adding items list of Radcombobox but filtering dont display record because not matching.How can I fix this problem.

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answered on 08 May 2011, 02:09 PM
I have the same problem.
Any solution ???
Telerik team
answered on 12 May 2011, 09:44 AM
Hello Hakan,

We have made the necessary improvements to the filtering functionality you are requesting in the recent versions of the control. The only problem that is still left is this one. The problem was an inconsistency in the Chrome browser, which hopefully is fixed in its recent versions. 

Please download the latest version of Telerik.Web.UI to make sure the feature is available to you.

All the best,
the Telerik team

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answered on 20 May 2011, 08:12 AM
Thanks for reply but I m still using 2011 Q1 version of telerik, this is last version at the moment and also in addition of chrome problem , there is a problem in firefox 4 version.Dataset find the result what I m requesting by the filtering and bind combobox, but combobox not macthing and doesnt display record.If you cannot solve this problem, there is no meaning to using combobox control in turkish.
Telerik team
answered on 20 May 2011, 11:12 AM
Hi Hakan,

Thank you for getting back to me and reporting that the issue also exists in Firefox 4.

I understand your frustration with the inability of RadComboBox to filter Turkish characters properly. Generally it should work with any character set flawlessly.

Since RCB is on the queue to undergo heavy bug fixing during this Q, we will also consider improving its filtering functionality to support Turkish as well as other characters.

The PITS item has been updated with Firefox 4 as well.

If you have additional questions, please let us know.

the Telerik team

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answered on 20 May 2011, 01:56 PM
You mean, I must wait version Q2  very interesting ... This is not acceptable and disappoint for me
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answered on 18 Mar 2014, 06:18 PM
We still have same problem and we use Q3 2013 SP1 (version 2013.3.1114).
Any fix for this problem in your roadmap?

Thank you...
Telerik team
answered on 21 Mar 2014, 01:46 PM
Hello Sefa,

I would suggest you to refer to this forum thread, where a solution for the desired functionality is provided.


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