i am using Radcombo with template. and using grid in template.
The Radcombo is in RadGrid. it dispay in edit mode of particular row. i am facing two problem.
if i allow column filter to the Radgrind in radcombo template, the drop down disappear on filter even "e.cancelBubble = true;" on div in which grid in template is placed.
the grid in radcombo template is placed in RadAjaxPanel so paging work without postback.
the second problem is. the dropdown item some time display scrollbars on page change on change of grid page. because dropdown div style is set to 'display: block' so it is not automatically increase or decrease.
i don't want scroll bars.
i am using Radcombo with template. and using grid in template.
The Radcombo is in RadGrid. it dispay in edit mode of particular row. i am facing two problem.
if i allow column filter to the Radgrind in radcombo template, the drop down disappear on filter even "e.cancelBubble = true;" on div in which grid in template is placed.
the grid in radcombo template is placed in RadAjaxPanel so paging work without postback.
the second problem is. the dropdown item some time display scrollbars on page change on change of grid page. because dropdown div style is set to 'display: block' so it is not automatically increase or decrease.
i don't want scroll bars.