I placed a RadColorPicker control on my form and when I switch the rendering mode to HSB or HSV, the field labels for "R:", "G", etc. are wrapping with their associated controls, and the height of the RadColorPicker grows to a very large layout (see the attached screenshot for an example of the problem). There is no problem in the layout when I choose the "Web Palette" or "RGB Sliders" mode. And the problem is happening in IE11 as well as in Chrome and Firefox. The page is being hosted within a Bootstrap v2.2.2 container. The page markup of this control appears as follows:
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12">
<asp:Label id="lblFooterBGColor" runat="server" text="Pick the background color for the site header" meta:resourceKey="lblSiteHeaderBGColorResource1"></asp:Label>
<telerik:RadColorPicker ID="radCPSiteHeader" runat="server" PaletteModes="All" ShowEmptyColor="true" ShowIcon="false" Skin="Office2010Blue" Width="150px" RenderMode="Mobile"></telerik:RadColorPicker>
Does anyone know why this is happening and how I can correct the problem? Thanks.