Trying to use the Bubble Type layer on a map.
Have successfully downloaded the urban-areas.json file using the WebServiceDataSourceSettings inside the RadClientDataSource and referencing the appropriate ClientDataSourceID in the MapLayer referencing the Bubble type.
I am trying to duplicate generating the GeoJason data, not from a file, but, from code behind using <WebServiceDataSourceSettings Select-DataType="JSON" Select-RequestType="POST" Select-ContentType="application/json" ServiceType="GeoJSON" Select-Url="testHeatMap.aspx/jsonsalesdata"></WebServiceDataSourceSettings>, where testHeatMap.asxp/jsonsalesdata is a public function that produces the same formatted json text.
While using the sample urban-areas.json file inside the RadClientDataSource produces the correct bubbles, not matter what I try in the code behind to produce the same json string, my Bubble layer will not render.
Any ideas or suggestions or examples?