Hi telerik team,
In my application i'm using raddatepicker in Radtabpanel.
when ever i'm selecting another tab, raddatepicker is not displaying proplerly.
some time it is displaying correctly and some time it is not displaying
we already tried this
i'm using vs.net 2010 and IE8 and Q3-2009-.Net3.5 version Telerik Controls
here i'm attaching the snapshot,please have a glance on it and provide me some solution.
In my application i'm using raddatepicker in Radtabpanel.
when ever i'm selecting another tab, raddatepicker is not displaying proplerly.
some time it is displaying correctly and some time it is not displaying
we already tried this
TextEditJoiningDate.Calendar.EnableAjaxSkinRendering =
TextEditJoiningDate.DateInput.EnableAjaxSkinRendering =
i'm using vs.net 2010 and IE8 and Q3-2009-.Net3.5 version Telerik Controls
here i'm attaching the snapshot,please have a glance on it and provide me some solution.