Hello Telerik team,
We are extensively used Rad Controls within our asp.net web based application.The Telerik Version we are currently using within our application is
Recently we noticed one major issue for all RadButtons
that are available throughout the application. The issue is, whenever we set width of Radbutton from markup
or code behind then it automatically applies "padding-left:4px" to internal input at the time of rendering. Due to this padding, the text of
Button is not appearing exactly at the center.
Whenever we give custom width
to the RadButton from Markup or code behind, the <span> tag comes with a specified width , 1st <input> comes with style "width:100%;padding-left:0;padding-right:0;padding-left:4px;height:28px" ;
As shown above, the main issue is caused by
"padding-left:4px". We want to set it 0px after which then the text would appear center align on
our end.
Below are the code snippet for our above issue:
.aspx page:
<myTelerik:RadButton Height="28px" ID="btnEdit" Width="90px" EnableEmbeddedSkins="false" Skin="Strong" runat="server" Text="Edit " ValidationGroup="Edit" OnClick="btnEdit_Click" />
Below code renders on Browser
id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_btnEdit" class="RadButton" style="padding:0px
class="rbDecorated" type="button"
id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_btnEdit_input" value="Delete"
type="hidden" autocomplete="off">
Please provide
us workaround how we can remove the "padding-left:4px" for all those RadButtons which having custom width. We need the generic way to resolve this issue so that it requires minimum numbers of files need to be updated.
Please note that this issue is only encounters only when we
applies custom width to RadButton. For other RadButtons where custom width is not
applied, the text appears at center. We are trying to do the same, but we are not getting expected output.