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RadButton moving out of content

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Nareshkumar asked on 18 Dec 2013, 02:24 PM
hi I created radbutton as radio button in one user control, when i deployed the solution radbutton is moving out of content, and also scroll bar got enabled for raddock zone. I dont need scroll bar for this Zone , radio button should place inside to my raddock content and Scroll bar should display only for Content not for Zone. I am using ASP .NET MVP pattern and internet explorer 8. I tried using postion absolute for radbuttons there also it is going out. Please help me on this.

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answered on 23 Dec 2013, 08:14 AM
Hello Nareshkumar,
Note that the ASP.NET AJAX controls are designed for classic ASP.NET environment and officially are supported only as an alternative ones in the ASP.NET MVC 1.0/2.0/3.0 (WebForms view engine only). You can find more information about this matter in this article.

Nevertheless, I can only try to make assumptions on the specific implementation and configuration of the built project, it would be helpful of you could provide a simple, locally runnable project, which isolates the problem, so that I could further investigate.

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