I have a RadAsyncUpload and the function for OnClientValidationFailed is getting called with a wrong file size error even though the file is well within the size limit.
<telerik:RadAsyncUpload runat="server" ID="fUploader" PostbackTriggers="btnSendEmail,btnSaveDraft" OnClientValidationFailed="fileUploadValidationFailed"></telerik:RadAsyncUpload>
server side
fUploader.TargetFolder = uploadPath
fUploader.AllowedFileExtensions = New String() {"*.jpg", "*.png", "*.gif", "*.jpeg", "*.bmp", "*.tiff", "*.pdf", "*.gpx", "*.tcx"}
fUploader.MaxFileSize = 2500000
function fileUploadValidationFailed(sender, args) {
var fileExtention = args.get_fileName().substring(args.get_fileName().lastIndexOf('.') + 1, args.get_fileName().length);
if (args.get_fileName().lastIndexOf('.') != -1) {//this checks if the extension is correct
if (sender.get_allowedFileExtensions().indexOf(fileExtention.toLowerCase()) == -1) {
alert("File type selected is not allowed. Valid file types are .jpg, .png, .gif, .jpeg, .bmp, .tiff, .pdf, .gpx, .tcx");
else {
alert("File too large. Max file size 2 MB.");
else {
alert("File type selected is not allowed. Valid file types are .jpg, .png, .gif, .jpeg, .bmp, .tiff, .pdf, .gpx, .tcx");
<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="8192"/>