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RadAsyncUpload - Removing "Additional Fields" during OnClientFileUploadRemoving

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jarguello asked on 01 Feb 2017, 07:21 AM

I am dynamically creating additional fields based on your example in the Online Demo. Here is my scenario:

I add 3 files. Each file has a label and input. If I "Remove" the second row (rowIndex = 2), the file is removed, but the label and input field is still displayed. I have not been successful removing the additional fields. 
I have attempted to use a variation of the old code provided in the RadUpload control:
var li = row.parentNode.parentNode;
var ul = input.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
etc., etc...
But, that does not work with the RadAsyncUpload control in javascript.
So, I have tried different things that revolve around "parentNode.removeChild()" or $(row.parent).remove() or var extraFields = row.parentNode.childNodes row.parentNode.removeChild(extraFields[i])  to no avail. Is there a simple way of completely deleting the custom controls / metadata, or, do I need to get the index and cycle through the collection and delete at the desired index? 
Any direction is greatly appreciated.

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