Hi everyone i hope this is the right forum for my question.
i have a radalert, when is closed i want to do some math in server side, so i did this
on server side
function on asp page
when the rad alert is closed with the mouse or with the enter key, it does great the job, the function is executed, but when is closed with the esc key, it doesn't do anything
can you help me ponting me which one is the event i have to catch
thanks in advance
i have a radalert, when is closed i want to do some math in server side, so i did this
on server side
RadWindowManager1.RadAlert(Resources.Mensajes.exitoReseteando, 300, 150, Resources.Mensajes.tituloMensajeExito, "alertCallBackFn", "../Styles/Images/ok.png");
function on asp page
function alertCallBackFn(arg) {
__doPostBack("<%= btnEnviarLogin.UniqueID %>", "");
when the rad alert is closed with the mouse or with the enter key, it does great the job, the function is executed, but when is closed with the esc key, it doesn't do anything
can you help me ponting me which one is the event i have to catch
thanks in advance