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RadAjaxPanel vs. RadAjaxManager

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Andrei asked on 03 Sep 2009, 07:35 AM
Hi guys,

I've been put in a situation where I need to consider which is the best solution, using RadAjaxPanel or RadAjaxManager. My site has mostly dynamically created controls, added to the page on server-side. Since I wanted to have AJAX on them, most of them are placed inside RadAjaxPanels. There are quite a few controls that interact with each other and AjaxPanel seemed the simple and logical way to handle AJAX requests between them.

However, I'm wondering if using AjaxManager would be better in terms of performance. Are there any situations when using RadAjaxManager is more desirable and efficient than putting the controls in question in a RadAjaxPanel?


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Telerik team
answered on 03 Sep 2009, 08:05 AM
Hello Andrei,

Both RadAjaxManager and RadAjaxPanel are controls that ajaxify other controls. However there are some differences and specifics with these two controls that make them suitable or not for a specific scenario.Having these two controls in hand gives you a great flexibility in AJAX-enabling web pages.

Additionally, RadAjaxManager control allows you to easily create settings that update many controls on the page. Having a large number of updated controls can both help with a performance problem by rendering smaller portions of the page and worsen the situation by triggering unnecessary DOM layout updates.
Please review this help topic for more information about optimizing client-side performance.

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the Telerik team

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answered on 10 Dec 2012, 01:46 PM
Hi Pavalina,

I have one user control with radwindow and  rad grid , rad grid is created on configuration of different properties of user control ,to avoid postback (during the sorting and grouping and data rebind ) I am using radajaxmanager , all thing are works, but my problem is where I put this control in radajaxpanel ti gives me error

Please, see whether wrapping the code block, generating the exception, within RadCodeBlock resolves the error. ---> System.Web.HttpException: Please, see whether wrapping the code block, generating the exception, within RadCodeBlock resolves the error. ---> System.Web.HttpException: The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks (i.e. <% ... %>).

Telerik team
answered on 13 Dec 2012, 03:38 PM
Hi Rohan,

I am not sure if I understand what is the exact problem you are facing. As I understand you received -
The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks (i.e. <% ... %>). error. And as you already mentioned to resolve it you should wrap the code inside RadCodeBlock or RadScriptBlock. Can you verify that this is the error and using RadCodeBlock helps to resolve it or I am leaving something important out?

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the Telerik team
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answered on 07 Jan 2017, 11:07 AM

Hey sir,

I really wonder why do you make this control called "RadAjaxPanel" it really bad one, the normal ajax update panel is one hundred time better than yours, after spending weeks in doing some aspx pages with the "RadAjaxPanel" I found that the "asp:UpdatePanel" did it for me just like that. your control really need too much improvement and reliability assurance. I sorry to tell you that I don't recommend your item at all.



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