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RadAjaxPanel transparency

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Clive Hoggar
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Rank 1
Clive Hoggar asked on 11 Mar 2009, 08:49 PM

I am using a RadAjaxPanel which contains a form. It is initially Visible=false,
and is triggered to visible by checking a checkbox.

Everything works fine in terms of animation, but the page content underneath the checkbox is
still visible, so there is a confusion of the form elements with the already-visible page text.
Looks a mess.

How can I make the panel cover the text below (a transparency setting?), or alteratively, but
less desirable move it down the page)?

I have tried including  divs with colored background, tables with colored backgrounds, but no
 joy so far.

Thanks for any help! 

Additional info: the above refers to FireFox; with IE7, it is worse: the panel opens until it hits 
bottom of the table column, apparently, although it could open be behind the solid background
of the page.



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Telerik team
answered on 12 Mar 2009, 02:26 PM
Hello Clive,

I am not sure I understood what you are trying to do -

1) place a RadAjaxLoadingPanel over the initially visible page content


2) place the newly displayed content over the initially visible one


3) dim the initially visible content after the AJAX request and it will remain visible below the newly displayed content?

Kind regards,
the Telerik team

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Clive Hoggar
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Rank 1
answered on 12 Mar 2009, 05:33 PM
Just to clarify - it is not a loading panel, just a RadAjaxPanel with content.
Otherwise it is 1 ) below

In the left column of the page there is a sign up feature.
It is positioned in the column below an image and above some
text .

The desired behavior is that checking the box causes the
RadAjaxPanel to open and display a form in a layer above the
rest of the text in the column.

This does work, in that the content of the now-visible expanded panel floats
in the layer above text that is in the page already (as desired), but instead
of the opaque colored background, you can also
 see the static text below it because the panel seems to be transparent.   

Basically I want the panel to have an opaque back color, but it seems to be

Telerik team
answered on 12 Mar 2009, 06:07 PM
Hi Clive,

Thanks for the clarification. You should have no problems in setting a background color to the RadAjaxPanel. Note that if you have floated elements inside the RadAjaxPanel, you should clear the floats, otherwise the panel will not expand vertically and will look like it has no background.

In case you need further assistance, it will be better if you provide a simple example showing your implementation.

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Clive Hoggar
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Clive Hoggar
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