I have two radcombo boxes with radtreeviews inside them. These controls are placed inside a RadAjaxPanel. But when i do a selection change in the treeview, the entire page posts back instead of performing ajax request. I have a couple of buttons placed with in this ajaxpanel and all of them raises an ajax request instead of a complete postback.Even an asp.net dropdownlist placed just above the radcombobox raises an ajax request instead of posting back the entire page.
The problem is there only with the radcomboboxes with radtreeviews. Below is a rough layout of the control hierarchy on my page.
<Button1>(Raises ajax request)
<Button2>(Raises ajax request)
<ASP:DropDownList OnSelectedIndexChanged="EventHanler">
(Raises ajax request on SelectionIndexChanged)
<RadTreeView id="Tree1" OnNodeClick="On_NodeClick1">
(Posts back the page on OnNodeClick)
<RadTreeView id="Tree2" OnNodeClick="On_NodeClick2">
(Posts back the page)
Please let me know why this is happening and what i need to do to avoid a postback.
Thank You,
I have two radcombo boxes with radtreeviews inside them. These controls are placed inside a RadAjaxPanel. But when i do a selection change in the treeview, the entire page posts back instead of performing ajax request. I have a couple of buttons placed with in this ajaxpanel and all of them raises an ajax request instead of a complete postback.Even an asp.net dropdownlist placed just above the radcombobox raises an ajax request instead of posting back the entire page.
The problem is there only with the radcomboboxes with radtreeviews. Below is a rough layout of the control hierarchy on my page.
<Button1>(Raises ajax request)
<Button2>(Raises ajax request)
<ASP:DropDownList OnSelectedIndexChanged="EventHanler">
(Raises ajax request on SelectionIndexChanged)
<RadTreeView id="Tree1" OnNodeClick="On_NodeClick1">
(Posts back the page on OnNodeClick)
<RadTreeView id="Tree2" OnNodeClick="On_NodeClick2">
(Posts back the page)
Please let me know why this is happening and what i need to do to avoid a postback.
Thank You,