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RadAjaxManager Update Panel throws error on Second Ajax Call

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Swanand asked on 03 Sep 2020, 04:24 PM



I am facing an issue with RadAjaxManager when I do 2 back-to-back Ajax calls. Attached is the image of what is shown in place of the update panel.


Following is how my project is setup.

1. Master Page has RadAjaxManager and LoadingPanel. Let's call this page 1

2. Page 2 uses Page 1 as it's MasterPage. Page 2 also has Dynamic Viewer loader which loads multiple .ascx extension pages.

3. Page 3 and Page 4 are those .ascx pages with the controls we need to apply RadAjaxManager on.


Now I am not able to access RadAjaxManager of Page1 from page 3 and 4. So I add the individual RadAjaxManagers to page 3 and 4.

They work fine for the first Ajax call.

If I do another Ajax call without a postback in between, it gives me a blank screen with the message as in the image in place of the UpdateControl.


Can someone please guide me how to fix the issue?


Thanks in advanced,

Swanand Nalawade

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answered on 08 Sep 2020, 02:16 PM

Hi Swanand,

Such behvaior is usually faced when there are nested AJAX panels on the page, which are cancelling each other. Can you, please, make sure that this is not the case at your side as well?

Can you also confirm that you are not using RadAjaxManager and RadAjaxPanels/UpdatePanels at the same time?

Please, keep in mind as RadAjax allows only one RadAjaxManager on the page, in complex scenarios including content pages or user controls, you will need to use RadAjaxManagerProxy. More details on this matter can be found here:

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