I was not experimenting this before Q3, using AjaxManager on a page I found in my trace that on ajax callback triggered by a RadTreeView node drop, after call back result being sent, some process clientside is trying to reload all the css from my theme.
I don't know why, this seems useless and factor of slow answer ?
css from theme are well loaded and behaving correctly on first page display (isPostback false), and they continue being ok after each callback, why trying to reload ?????
More, the reloading generates an error because I am using an url rewritter and the reloading do not use a correct path as writen in <header> ( whiche looks like href="../../App_Themes/Web20/mycss.css") but a changed one as http://Host:Port/MyRewriterTag/MyRewriterPageId/App_Themes/Web20/mycss.css
and it generates a 404.
As I don't need to reload all this, how to tell RadAjax not reloading hearder on callback ?
It is certainly a known issue with Q3 ?
As a subidiary question: is there a way to compress all theme css in only one file to speed initial loading, to day i get one link for each css file ?
Thanks for answer.
I was not experimenting this before Q3, using AjaxManager on a page I found in my trace that on ajax callback triggered by a RadTreeView node drop, after call back result being sent, some process clientside is trying to reload all the css from my theme.
I don't know why, this seems useless and factor of slow answer ?
css from theme are well loaded and behaving correctly on first page display (isPostback false), and they continue being ok after each callback, why trying to reload ?????
More, the reloading generates an error because I am using an url rewritter and the reloading do not use a correct path as writen in <header> ( whiche looks like href="../../App_Themes/Web20/mycss.css") but a changed one as http://Host:Port/MyRewriterTag/MyRewriterPageId/App_Themes/Web20/mycss.css
and it generates a 404.
As I don't need to reload all this, how to tell RadAjax not reloading hearder on callback ?
It is certainly a known issue with Q3 ?
As a subidiary question: is there a way to compress all theme css in only one file to speed initial loading, to day i get one link for each css file ?
Thanks for answer.