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RadAjaxLoadingPanel issues

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MMOIT asked on 28 Jan 2013, 03:47 PM

I've been looking for a simple way to let a client know that the data is being delivered; I've seen examples for using the RadAjaxLoadingPanel with a RadGrid.  I think generically this probably works, but in my case it doesn't.  I end up getting OutOfMemoryException errors.
If I disable the RadAjaxLoadingPanel, the export to Excel works fine -- and fairly quickly.
Admittedly there is a lot of data to export -- over 72K rows.  Still, I'm not asking the RadAjaxLoadingPanel to do anything special except display while the grid changes.
If I do a paging operation, the control works fine.  It's just on the export that it gives up.

Here's the gist of the code:

<tk:RadAjaxManager ID="ramGridWait" runat="server">
                                <tk:AjaxSetting AjaxControlID="rgGlobalInventorySummary">
                                        <tk:AjaxUpdatedControl ControlID="rgGlobalInventorySummary" LoadingPanelID="ralpGridWait" />
                                <tk:AjaxSetting AjaxControlID="rbExport">
                                        <tk:AjaxUpdatedControl ControlID="rgGlobalInventorySummary" LoadingPanelID="ralpGridWait" />
                        <tk:RadAjaxLoadingPanel runat="server" ID="ralpGridWait" InitialDelayTime="3000"
                            Skin="WebBlue" />
                        <tk:RadAjaxPanel ID="RadAjaxPanel1" LoadingPanelID="ralpGridWait" runat="server">
                            <tk:RadGrid ID="rgGlobalInventorySummary" runat="server" OnNeedDataSource="rgGlobalInventorySummary_NeedDataSource"
                                AllowFilteringByColumn="true" EnableEmbeddedSkins="true" BorderStyle="Solid"
                                Skin="WebBlue" Width="100%" AllowPaging="true" PageSize="20" ShowFooter="true"
                                <ExportSettings ExportOnlyData="true" HideStructureColumns="true" IgnorePaging="true" />
                                <ClientSettings Selecting-AllowRowSelect="true">
                                    <Resizing AllowColumnResize="true" EnableRealTimeResize="true" />
                                <MasterTableView AutoGenerateColumns="false" Caption="" ShowHeader="true" CommandItemDisplay="TopAndBottom">
                                    <CommandItemSettings ShowAddNewRecordButton="false" ShowExportToExcelButton="true"
                                        ShowExportToPdfButton="false" ShowExportToWordButton="false" />
                                        <tk:GridBoundColumn DataField="Status" HeaderText="Status" HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center"
                                            HeaderStyle-Width="85px" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Left" AllowFiltering="true"
                                            FilterControlWidth="60%" />

Is there something I'm missing?



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answered on 29 Jan 2013, 05:35 AM
Hi Glen,

From the code you have shared I was able to identify that the use of RadAjaxManager and RadAjaxPanel.
Using both controls simultaneously is not recommended.Please replace your RadAjaxPanel with a standard asp:Panel and include it in the RadAjaxManager settings to update only itself so you can achieve the same desired functionality.

I hope this will prove helpful.

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