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Rad Window Refereshing

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kks asked on 23 Feb 2009, 06:43 AM
hi telerik,
i was using telerik rad window , Q3 2007 and now changed to Q3 2008.
the issue im fascing now is,
when i am opening a rad window, its taking more time to open than the previos version. (i put the reload on show property is true. other wise the window is not refresing).
is this ( reload on show ) is the problem..?
do i need to set any other property to solve this.?

and one more issue is after closing the rad window, the parant window is taking time to get activated.
once we close the window , is the parant windowe is reloading..?
can i avoid this reloading..?

ultimatly in the new version i feel Rad window is mutch slower,. can you suggest any solution for this to make it little faster.

thank. & Regards

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Telerik team
answered on 24 Feb 2009, 07:40 AM
Hello kks,

We are not aware of such problems and we cannot reproduce them locally. But in your case please note that the ReloadOnShow property set to "true"  forces the RadWindow to reload its content every time it is shown. This may cause some time delay when the content are loading.

Could you please open a support ticket and attach a simple running application which demonstrates your scenario and reproduces the problems? We will take a closer look at your code, test it on our side and do our best to help you..

the Telerik team

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