Hello Team,
I am using a rad window to update the content in my grid, I got a sample from telerik forums and I am using it. It did worked fine for me.
I used java script to open the rad window from the code base rad grid item created.
this is in .aspx page :
function RefreshrgUnitTypesGrid() {
var masterTable = $find("<%= rgunitTypes.ClientID %>").get_masterTableView();
function ShowEditFormrgTypes(id, rowIndex) {
var gridunitTypes = $find("<%= rgunitTypes.ClientID %>");
var rowControl = gridunitTypes.get_masterTableView().get_dataItems()[rowIndex].get_element();
gridunitTypes.get_masterTableView().selectItem(rowControl, true);
window.radopen("../ERP/NormalPages/AddUnitTypes.aspx?ID=" + id, "UserEditUnittype");
return false;
this is in item created:
ImageButton imgBtnEditTenancy = (ImageButton)e.Item.FindControl("imgBtnEditTenancy");
imgBtnEditTenancy.Attributes["onclick"] = String.Format("return ShowEditFormrgTypes('{0}','{1}');", e.Item.OwnerTableView.DataKeyValues[e.Item.ItemIndex]["ID"], e.Item.ItemIndex);
and here is my window:
<telerik:RadWindow ID="UserEditUnittype" runat="server" Title="Edit Unit Type" Height="320px"
Width="310px" Left="150px" ReloadOnShow="true" ShowContentDuringLoad="false"
Modal="true" onclientclose="RefreshrgUnitTypesGrid">
----- problem is , I am able to see a rad window ,but not this "UserEditUnittype" where I mentioned height ,width and title. One rad window is popping up where I was surprised see that which don not all the properties that I mentioned. I am attaching a screen shot. can some one please look into that issue for me?
I am using a rad window to update the content in my grid, I got a sample from telerik forums and I am using it. It did worked fine for me.
I used java script to open the rad window from the code base rad grid item created.
this is in .aspx page :
function RefreshrgUnitTypesGrid() {
var masterTable = $find("<%= rgunitTypes.ClientID %>").get_masterTableView();
function ShowEditFormrgTypes(id, rowIndex) {
var gridunitTypes = $find("<%= rgunitTypes.ClientID %>");
var rowControl = gridunitTypes.get_masterTableView().get_dataItems()[rowIndex].get_element();
gridunitTypes.get_masterTableView().selectItem(rowControl, true);
window.radopen("../ERP/NormalPages/AddUnitTypes.aspx?ID=" + id, "UserEditUnittype");
return false;
this is in item created:
ImageButton imgBtnEditTenancy = (ImageButton)e.Item.FindControl("imgBtnEditTenancy");
imgBtnEditTenancy.Attributes["onclick"] = String.Format("return ShowEditFormrgTypes('{0}','{1}');", e.Item.OwnerTableView.DataKeyValues[e.Item.ItemIndex]["ID"], e.Item.ItemIndex);
and here is my window:
<telerik:RadWindow ID="UserEditUnittype" runat="server" Title="Edit Unit Type" Height="320px"
Width="310px" Left="150px" ReloadOnShow="true" ShowContentDuringLoad="false"
Modal="true" onclientclose="RefreshrgUnitTypesGrid">
----- problem is , I am able to see a rad window ,but not this "UserEditUnittype" where I mentioned height ,width and title. One rad window is popping up where I was surprised see that which don not all the properties that I mentioned. I am attaching a screen shot. can some one please look into that issue for me?