When in Month or timeline view is it possible to display the time on each appointment like outlook does
ie 15:00 16:00 Meeting with Alex and is is possible to put a little icon before the times to denote the type of appointment for example telephone call, demonstrations, meeting etc. The icons being placed where I have put the £ % and * symbols below
£ 09:00 10:00 Call alex
% 15:00 16:00 Meeting with Bank
* 17:00:17:30 Demo at suppliers
ie 15:00 16:00 Meeting with Alex and is is possible to put a little icon before the times to denote the type of appointment for example telephone call, demonstrations, meeting etc. The icons being placed where I have put the £ % and * symbols below
£ 09:00 10:00 Call alex
% 15:00 16:00 Meeting with Bank
* 17:00:17:30 Demo at suppliers