We have many clients who ask us to write new software for them. Some of these clients have their own development people. I enjoy and advocate using Telerik RadControls for all projects. But now I need to sell Telerik to my clients as well as my own products and services - and compete head-to-head with the ASP.NET Toolkit freeware. I'll tell you what I have done. What do the rest of you do?
For the uninitiated client/prospect, I have had to essentially put together my own marketing materials for RadControls. I have to explain why we choose to use this kit over freeware/default ASP.NET components. I cite benefits like outstanding support, faster development, more built-in features, a much more attractive final product, and a much better end-user experience. I invite clients and prospects to an online demo where I take them on a tour through the telerik.com demos. I show them screenshots of existing projects and profile features of RadGrid, the calendar, windows, rapid skinning, and other "sizzle".
The only downside to using RadControls is the cost. If my clients want to maintain the code produced for them, they will need to purchase RadControls and ongoing maintenance. That's no big deal unless they have a team of developers and no major need for RadControls. Another "truth be told" reality is that RadControls require a lot of time and patience to learn - that actually makes initial development more costly, though I believe the rewards are worth the investment.
So I need to pitch my for-fee, "takes some time to understand" toolkit against free and open source tools used by the other 90% of the world. That's sometimes tough.
Since we're here, I often also feel as though I'm providing free Marketing for Telerik when I may not get anything but a development gig out of it. After all of my extra sales effort I don't even get a commission from product or support fees. Sure, the points are nice but hardly commensurate with the effort, and quite frequently people will just go and purchase software later without telling anyone - Telerik may have sold a dozen licenses based on my free marketing for them without me or anyone else here getting a single point.
So how do you other developers "sell" this, and does anyone else care about this last situation?
Thanks for your time.