I have a RadComboBox in a GridTemplateColumn. When I set the custom skin, the "Contains" filter no longer works. I will start typing and the dropdownlist doesn't start filtering. If I hit backspace in the text, then it filters. If I remove my custom skin and use the default embedded skin, then the filtering works as I type.
My combobox is:
I copied the ComboBox.Office2007.css stylesheet, renamed it ComboBox.Custom.css, added a link reference to my page and then the only thing I modified was
just to bump the images off so the ComboBox has the appearance of a label when it's not being used. Every other style I left the same.
Any idea why the Contains filter isn't working anymore?
My combobox is:
<rad:RadComboBox ID="ddlItems" runat="server" Width="250" Filter="Contains" EmptyMessage="Choose an item:" |
DataSourceID="dsItems" DataTextField="Item" DataValueField="Id" Skin="Custom" EnableEmbeddedSkins="false" AllowCustomText="true"> |
</rad:RadComboBox> |
I copied the ComboBox.Office2007.css stylesheet, renamed it ComboBox.Custom.css, added a link reference to my page and then the only thing I modified was
.RadComboBox_Custom td.rcbInputCellLeft { background-position: 0 200; } |
.RadComboBox_Custom td.rcbArrowCellLeft { background-position: 0 200; } |
.RadComboBox_Custom td.rcbArrowCellRight { background-position: 0 200; } |
Any idea why the Contains filter isn't working anymore?