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Question about Cell Edit Templates, I think?

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Kevin asked on 15 Jul 2016, 04:14 PM

Hello All,
     I have been tasked in a WPF/MVVM application to setup a TreeListView that shows some "Property/Value" pairs.  For most of the properties, the value should be a simple textbox, but for some of the particular properties, the values should be displayed as a dropdown selection.  Is there a way to get this done.  I'm starting down the path of in the table that stores these property/value pairs, have a column that designates what type of "Value" cell show be displayed, the by using that setting up a CellEditTemplate to properly configure the cell as either a textbox or dropdown...  Having never created a CellEditTemplate before, I wasn't sure if this is possible or even the correct path to venture down...  So, there's my dilemma/question...  If this is the correct path, is there a good example of how to get this done???


Thanks in advance,

Kevin Orcutt
Senior Software Engineer

Wurth Electronics ICS, Inc.
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answered on 20 Jul 2016, 10:17 AM
Hi Kevin,

Can you please take a look at the CellTemplateSelector topic, as I believe the functionality demonstrated in it corresponds to your needs? You may also find the Template Selectors section of RadGridView's online examples useful. The same demos can be found in the local copy of the WPF Demos.

I hope this suits your needs.

Best Regards,
Stefan X1
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