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Question about adding routing to a map

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Warren asked on 25 Nov 2015, 06:52 PM

Right now I am using open street map to show a map in the control just like your example online. And this works fine. I am now looking into adding routing on the map. I read the website that it only supports Bing maps for this.Is this for WPF only and not ASP.NET? I also saw a page on your site using layers and had a line drawn over a road to show a walking tour. The routes I want to show from one location to the other are already determined and I can supply the locations for the route. So to me the best scenario is to supply this if I can. Do you have a demo showing how I can do this to show the route on a map from point A to point B?

Thanks so much!



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Telerik team
answered on 26 Nov 2015, 07:26 AM
Hello Warren,

RadMap integration with Bing layer is an out-of-the-box feature. You can test it via this online demo——by using the dropdown and choose Bing in the configuration area. Also you can find out how to configure the Bing service in our online documentation—

As for drawing route, I assume you are referring to this demo— The code there best shows how to use GeoJSON data to draw a route. However, getting the GeoJSON of the route is something that should come from a third-party service and its integration is something that is not shown in an example. Such matter should be handled as per to exact application requirements and service capabilities by the application's developer.

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answered on 30 Nov 2015, 06:10 PM

Thanks for the reply and help. I wish I could see the json file used for the route. I prefer to go that way if I can. Are they all a standard format? That's what I would like to see so I can try it myself.




Telerik team
answered on 01 Dec 2015, 06:29 AM
Hello Warren,

GeoJSON is standardized, you can refer to this page— It is based on JSON literal structure.

As for the used GeoJSON in the demo, there is a link in the description from where you can download the file—

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