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Prototype compatibility

2 Answers 113 Views
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Oleg asked on 07 Jan 2009, 05:36 PM
I am using RadScheduler (version 2008.3.1125.20) with prototype.js on the same page.

I attached an example. When you move App3 to a timeslot 10am-11am, you get the following error:

_87.get_start() Object doesn't support this property or method

And it locks the control.

I hope it gets resolved soon. It is really causing us a lot of frustration.


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T. Tsonev
Telerik team
answered on 09 Jan 2009, 11:57 AM
Hello Oleg,

Thank you for submitting the sample page. We have managed reproduce the issue. It was caused by Prototype, which extends the Array objects with a "lastIndexOf" method, but does so in a quite obtrusive way. Anyway, we have managed to fix it the issue. The fix will be available in the upcoming service pack that is scheduled for the next week. Your Telerik points have been updated for your involvement.

Of course, this is your call, but it might be beneficial to consider the alternatives of Prototype for your own projects. For example, we use jQuery, as it is a lot less obtrusive (critical for us) and results in very succinct code, once you get used to the operator chaining.

Here are some articles that compare Prototype to jQuery:

We already ship jQuery as part of Telerik.Web.UI, so you get it "free" (in terms of bandwith and page output) if you use RadScheduler or some of our other controls on your page. You can also get IntelliSense working pretty easily.

Best wishes,
Tsvetomir Tsonev
the Telerik team

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answered on 13 Mar 2009, 08:37 PM
Hello Tsvetomir ,

I tried your sample and can't get intellisense to work.
I have VS2008 SP1 with the hotfix for intellisense installed.

Please help,
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T. Tsonev
Telerik team
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