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Progress Bar or Similar stuff for Radgrid

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Kevin asked on 25 Aug 2009, 07:01 PM
I had scenario where I need to display a progress bar or something to show the user the process is being done. this has to be done while inserting, updating or deleting a record from radgrid. any suggestions will be appreciated.


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answered on 26 Aug 2009, 04:40 AM
Hi Kevin,

I would suggest you to use RadAjaxLoadingPanel as a progress indicator. You can also go through the following online demo which uses RadAjaxLoadingPanel.

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answered on 22 Aug 2012, 03:25 PM
I've implemented the technique outlined here.

Basically, you handle the requestStart method of the RadAjaxPanel / RadAjaxManager which is needed for exporting anyway. Here, you can show a loading panel or other loading graphic, start a timer to check for a cookie from the server and when the cookie is found, you hide any loading graphics.  The following example is taken from a control I created that is a wrapper for my RadGrid.  My control contains a RadAjaxPanel, a RadAjaxLoadingPanel, and a HiddenField.  The hidden field contains the token used between the client and server.  The call to $.cookie requires the jquery.cookie plugin located here

On the server you need to do handle the OnExporting event of the RadGrid:
/// <summary>
/// Aid in the hiding/showing of a loading panel while the export process is ocurring.
/// hdDownloadToken contains a timestamp (token) of when the export started.  This is
/// then passed back in the header of the response from the export engine and accessed
/// via a timer on the client.  Once the client detects the token, it hides the loading message.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
protected void RadGrid1_GridExporting(object sender, GridExportingArgs e)
    Response.AppendCookie(new HttpCookie("fileDownloadToken", hdDownloadToken.Value));

On the client you need to do something like the following:
_requestStart: function (sender, args)
        if (args.get_eventTarget().indexOf("ExportToPdfButton") >= 0 || args.get_eventTarget().indexOf("ExportToExcelButton") >= 0)
            // show the loading panel
            this._loadingPanel = $find(this.get_loadingPanelID());
            // store the timestamp for access on the server
            this._downloadToken = new Date().getTime();
            $('#' this.get_downloadTokenFieldID()).val(this._downloadToken);
            // setup the timer to check for the completion of the file download
            var me = this;
            var checkTick = $.proxy(me._downloadCheckTick, me);
            this._downloadTimer = setInterval(checkTick, 1000);
            // need this for exporting to work
    _downloadCheckTick: function ()
        // ticks every second
        // check for the cookie from the GridExporting event on the server.
        // if the token exists, fire the finished function
        var cookieValue = $.cookie('fileDownloadToken');
        if (cookieValue == this._downloadToken)
    _downloadFinished: function ()
        // clear the timer, hide the loading panel and clear the cookie
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